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Vermont's "Proud to Be a Mason" Program


Vermont's "Proud To Be A Mason" program was launched on June 13, 2007, when Brother Calvin K. Keyler was installed as the Most Worshipful Grand Master for the State of Vermont. The program's coordinator was Cal's wife, Lady Joanne Keyler. They continued this very successful program for seven years, raising thousands of dollars to help support Vermont's award-winning C.A.R.E. program. Brother Cal and Lady Joanne, knowing the importance of raising awareness as well as funding for C.A.R.E., put so much effort and consideration into this program. They took a lot of pride in their work and were well-deserving at that.


Why should we support this program?


We C.A.R.E. about Vermont's kids. By participating in this program, you can support Freemasonry in Vermont and help Vermont's younger generation stay out of trouble. Profits from the sales of all "Proud To Be A Mason" items go towards our award-winning C.A.R.E. Program, which provides training to help school administrators identify children at risk. Some of the risks that they are trained to recognize are substance, sexual, mental, and physical abuse, as well as bullying. In addition, these items promote your Lodge and Freemasonry in general to the public. Let people in your community see that you are proud to be a Mason.


Two ways to show you're "Proud to Be a Mason"







Vermont Masonic License Plate


You can show your pride as a Vermont Mason by using this license plate on your motor vehicle. 


The plate is available to Vermont members of the Grand Lodge of Vermont and features the Masonic emblem on the right side of the plate.


To apply, you must complete form TA-VD-128 (NOTE: This form is downloaded from the Vermont Motor Vehicles website!) and submit it to the Registry of Motor Vehicles together with your registration application or pre-printed renewal (if it is your renewal time). You will also need a copy of your current dues card or a letter of authorization from your Lodge Secretary and all necessary fees. There is a one-time fee for the plate charged by the DMV.


Show your pride in Freemasonry here in our state!


For more information, visit the Vermont DMV site.


Vermont Freemason license plate
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